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Deal Micro-Teaser
146MW PV Portfolio at RTB in Brazil
All Technical Studies (i,.e. EIA Report, Feasibility Studies, Designs, Grid Assessment Reports, Land Lease Agreements, other Admin Documentation)
All Licenses for Construction are Obtained
$10,000/MW in Taxes per MW
Statutory Fees
$10k Geo technical reports per MW (Invoices Available)
90% equity for 15 years and then ownership returns to the development team
$120,000 per MW shovel ready for Development Fees
$677,500 per MW for EPC Turney Solution CAPEX (must be the development team)
Solar PV - Utility-scale
Deal Stage
Company experience with Solar PV - Utility-scale
Presence across Europe, MIddle East and Africa with 1.5 GW
Deal Is Seeking
Debt, Equity
Capital Required (USD Equiv.)
- Financial Model available
- This deal is open to being acquired
- This deal is open to speaking with advisors
- Open to Investor choosing EPC
Generation Capacity
Annual Electricity Production
565236 MWh/pa
PPA Offtake Status
PPA Type
MWh Sold Under PPA
565,236 MWh/pa
PPA Tariff (USD/kWh)
-PPA Length
25 years
PPA Offtaker Party
-Interested? Introduce yourself
- Deal Is Seeking:Debt, Equity
- Introduce yourself to the:Owner
to send introductions.
- Submitted By Project Owner
- Open to Pre-Registrations
- Accepting introductions
- Closed
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